Wedeln Design Co. has been partnering with companies to offer graphic design branding services that help grow their brands. We remain committed to shaping brands that excel in communication and crafting innovative campaigns that engage diverse audiences. Our expertise covers brand strategy, brand identity, creative design, digital marketing, content development, campaign creation, and rebranding, ultimately empowering brands to become instantly recognizable.

What the heck is
[ veyd-ln ]

Our logo portrays four skiers, who strategically crafted a line to ski. As they glance back, they reflect upon their successful maneuvers.
What is not depicted, but remains prevalent 70 years later, is that two of the men, Stan and Emile, discovered that day an innovative ski-style, that combined a series of swing turns in a climactic presentation of the hip-waggling ski dance called Wedeln (pronounced Vaydeln)
It was devised to be straightforward and practical but most significantly, it inspired many others to follow.
As our name is inspiring, it conveys our passion to engage with your brand and ensure the utmost quality and commitment with our graphic design branding services. We are not just a plain old creative, we are instantly recognizable creative.

Image of a woman with her hand bent and her face leaning in her hand

Gina Sheldrake

By now, you’ve probably sensed my profound passion for skiing. Growing up, my parents, pioneering ski patrollers in Colorado, instilled in our family a deep appreciation for the great outdoors. The roots of my design inspiration trace back primarily to my mother, whose remarkable talents have undoubtedly shaped the designer I am today. It’s not to imply that my dad’s engineering background lacked creativity; it simply followed a more structured path (LOL). In today’s fast-paced world, we often forget the importance of continuous change and reinvention. In design, nothing is set in stone; it evolves alongside our ever-changing environment and the evolving needs of those we design for.

My background in newspapers honed my ability to thrive under pressure. My experiences in advertising agencies enabled me to diversify my design skills, simultaneously crafting for multiple clients. My journey through the corporate world allowed me to understand the universal and multifaceted nature of design.
Learn more about me here