Objects We Once Desired

polariod of a smushed plastic liquour bottle on gravel with the words on the side that say Objects we once desired. At the top is a headline that says object 03, Category: Forgotten Liquor Regret
A poloriod shot of a cirgarette that is in gravel with the title: on location, category Category: Disposable Delights, Found: Private smoke, A Teen’s Secret Roadside fix

photo of discarded ice cream container in a bush, tip shot, with words Category: Indestructible Leftover Cravings in objects once desired, Found: Did you enjoy our late night ice cream indulgence, 
left behind in the bushes?

Objects We Once Desired

📷 Explore “Objects We Once Desired,” a unique project delving into discarded treasures and forgotten desires. Ever wondered why we don’t see the consequences of our discarded trash? This project raises thought-provoking questions about the guilt we all share at some point. What if the objects we casually dispose of could share their feelings and stories? In a world where even a single cigarette butt can contaminate up to 1000 liters of water, this project reminds us of the unseen impact of our choices.

a polaroid photo of a crumpled up piece of trash on a curb that is a french fry container with the cartoon face of Wendy's restaurant, attached to the container is a receipt